We are a baptist church. Our church services are in Slavic. However, English translation is available. We belong to the International Union of Churches of the Evangelical Christian Baptists (IUC-ECB) movement that started in the former Soviet Union in the year of 1961.
• We believe in the Trinity, In God the Father, the Son, and the Holy
• We believe that the Bible is the word of God. We also believe in the inerrancy of the Bible (all
66 canonical books of the Bible). The Bible is our principal guide in our lives including our morals and
our demeanor.
• We believe in Jesus being 100% God and 100% human who came into this world and took on the human
flesh, who was crucified and died for the sins of the whole world, for all the people. Jesus then
resurrected on the third day and always abides with God the Father in heaven.
• We believe that
○ God created man in His own image.
○ a man did not retain God’s image, but disobeyed God and therefore sinned.
○ the wages of sin is death.
○ God so loved the world (all of the people) and sent His Son to Redeem Man.
• Every person who believes in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior will be saved from the power of
sin, from hell, and shall live eternally with God in heaven (John 3:16).
• Any person who has repented and became born again (recognized himself as a sinner, asked God for
forgiveness, and fully entrusted his life into Jesus’ hands), he/she has become the child of God and is
part of God’s universal church (the body of Christ).
• We believe in God’s commandment for all believers to be baptised, thus promising to keep a good
conscience toward God (1 Peter 3:21).
• We believe that baptism is full immersion. We do not believe in infant baptism or baptism for the
dead. A person being baptised needs to fully understand himself why he is getting baptised and what kind
of covenant he is making with God. We do not believe in baptism without true repentance.
• Every person who is born again and is baptised can become part of the local church.
• Every person who will not believe the Gospel (Jesus’ message) will spend eternity in hell.
• We believe in the existence of hell. Every person who will not believe the Gospel (Jesus’
message) will spend eternity in hell.
Sunday worship service - 2pm
Friday prayer service - 7pm
Friday - 7:00pm
Youth Bible Study